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My mother is asian...
Tuesday, March 04, 2003
12:36 AM
Richard Nisbett was on NPR's Talk of the Nation this morning, and I didn't hear much of his chat on his new book, on the gross differences between eastern and western mindsets, but I was struck by an example he used.
He said that a mother in the West will show a truck to a child and say, "Look at the truck! It's a red truck. Look at the wheels?" The focus is on the object.
Where the mother in the East will say, "Vroom! Vroom! Here you go!" [hands baby the truck] "You're welcome! Could I have the truck now? Oh, thank you!"
He commented on how the mother might even take the child's focus away from the object so that the child could see the mother's reaction to it, and so that she could exclaim over it and focus on their interaction over it.
I don't think of my mother as asian, but that is certainly how she taught me, and how I've taught my son. Won't the nouns come automatically? They're just the variable in the verbs.
I think I am a verb... Vroom! Vrooom!