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by Shava Nerad


Monday, April 14, 2003 8:43 PM  
Well, I'm down with pneumonia, out of sick time, and just weak as a kitten, and my body has fallen a bit out from under me. I'm fine, though, on a relative scale.

I told Joseph, when I ended up in the hospital on Thursday:

We need to be grateful. I don't have SARS, which might have killed me. We live four blocks from a very good hospital. It has good water, power, medicines, equipment, good personnel, and isn't overwhelmed with people in far worse shape than I am.

In Iraq, folks, I would be dead today, and it would never be counted as collateral damage.

And you know, it's funny, it really gave Joseph courage and confidence that I'd be alright, to hear how much better off we are here. To know that in this time and place, bacterial pneumonia is an easy thing to fix, caught early.

Thank God for Good Sam, is all I can say. The doctor told me I nailed it perfectly, arriving with a rising temperature of 103F on extra strength Tylenol, and that if I'd gone to sleep without going to the hospital, I'd be far worse off.

But I'm home, and I'll be alright, insh'allah.

Wah. What a week...

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