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by Shava Nerad

President's Day -- Thos. Jefferson turns 260

Sunday, April 13, 2003 9:14 AM  
On the 260th anniversary of Jefferson's birth, I can't help thinking about President's Day. We honor the two most prominent standing commanders-in-chief of our nation with a bank holiday in February. But do we honor the man whose name becomes synonymous with the birth of American democracy in the rest of the world? How many people know that April 13 is Jefferson's birthday? How many Americans could respond to the term "Jeffersonian democracy" with some idea of what it especially means?

In this time of war I find myself wondering: why do we honor the war presidents, but not the presidents such as Adams or Jefferson, or even economic saints such as Hamilton (who by foreign birth -- and probably by his mixed race -- was not a candidate for the presidency) for their birthdays?

Frankly, I want to create a category of Federal working holiday -- today, let us all work for democracy, and to improve society, for the remembrance of Thomas Jefferson.

And heck, let's give Hamilton and Greenspan bank holidays. It would only be appropriate.

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