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by Shava Nerad

Military puts US reputation into the toilet again

Wednesday, May 11, 2005 1:26 PM  
With Afghan riots coming up with at least four dead and over 70 injured, we see the most visible tip of the iceburg of impending diplomatic harm as the US military sends our reputation down the toilet again.

In Guantanamo, our interrogators are alleged to have put copies of the Quran down the toilet to soften up detainees there.

Why did we resort to measures that fly in the face of the US putative support of religious freedom and respect of diversity?

Apparently we were dealing with some really tough characters:

Q Different issue. There have been protests in Pakistan over reports that investigation over abuses in Guantanamo has found that guards have apparently put Korans in the toilet. And I'm wondering if either of you can comment on whether that's accurate, or whether the investigation has found that, and what's being done about it?

MR. DIRITA: I can't speak to any particular -- I've not seen the reports on that specific point. As we've said many times, we have conducted multiple investigations into the treatment of detainees at Guantanamo and elsewhere in the world, and we are facing an adversary -- in the case of many of these detainees, particularly at Guantanamo -- who are exceedingly well-trained in counter-interrogation tactics. And the procedures that are provided for by field manuals, as well as other authorization, have taken that into account. But I can't speak to a particular assertion about what may have happened.
DOD regular briefing, 5/11/05

How very depressing. Can you imagine the rationalization?

"Well this one is really tough. He won't tell us anything. But who knows, he might really know *something* -- maybe he's a high operative in Al Qaeda and just really resistant to interrogation. We aren't governed by the Geneva Conventions because we've declared him not to be a prisoner of war -- so we could strip him, use electrodes on his genitals, threaten him with dogs...but nah, that would be ikky. Let's just commit sacrilege instead. He's just a raghead -- won't bother *my* God."

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